Friday, October 19, 2012

Day 3. Not a bitchfest

I started out with such good intentions. Like keeping it fairly neutral, just logging yoga sessions and reading, noticing any changes and clarifying my thoughts.
Then life got in the way, in the form of douchebags who tell lies about their fatal illness (yes, really), pictures of torn apart chickens in my Facebook newsfeed (go vegan, I guess is the message) to (today) a shocking picture of an abused and raped dog. I'm not going to discuss that one anymore, let's just say it took me the better part of the last hour to get over that image.

Umm, yea, I was supposed to write something about compassion and empathy, at least that's what I've been mulling over.
You chat with someone and they'll say something that just really hits home. Such as a question about compassion and empathy.
I'll pause right here until I've gathered my thoughts enough to put them into words and do a link instead:

Positive reading for the day, posted by Craig Ballantyne:
If you are not making someone else's life better, then you are wasting your time. Your life will become better by making other people's lives better. - Will Smith


Yoga- not yet. Tired from this morning. I feel so stuck, on so many levels. Zumba was fun, but as soon as I'm on my own things go south again. Messed around in the weight room for an hour without any notable results before going off and teaching the Core class. I've been deadlifting the same damn 60kg for 6 repetitions for the last 6 weeks, and not a thing has changed. It feels like my life is just like those freaking deadlifts. I try different strategies. I do 15 repetitions with 40kg, then 6 with 60, finally 10 with 50. I try them on one leg. I do stretches. I use barbells, cables or dumbbells. Nothing. 6 repetitions with 60 kg. That's it.

To write something positive- I absolutely love teaching my classes. Some are hard work, but then others, like the Friday one, bring me joy and I can just be who I want to be. I am actually happy when I teach.

Will add the yoga stuff later.

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