Monday, October 22, 2012

Day 3 "Why can't you be more aware, dammit??"

So Friday was supposed to be day 3, but then I had some issues with the shopping for the weekend, pumpkin projects and whatnot, so the Yoga and such got swapped for couch time and more chocolate. Could have been worse, could have gotten out boyfriend Captain Morgan and gotten blitzed or something of that sort.
The weekend was a good change for me. I usually never do 2 rest days in a row (ja, I know), so having both Saturday and Sunday off-off was a new and slightly unsettling experience. Spent it with lovely people and realized I need more of that. And I did not end up gaining 10 lbs from eating cake and not working out. Hm.

So the awareness thing.
I know I still have a long way to go, but when I compare to a few years ago when I'd get out of the shower realizing I'd only shaved one leg, I've made some good progress.
I notice more, and that's not always a good thing. I also notice more of what others do, and that's not always a good thing either. And it takes a rapid turn for the worse when the other person is very unappreciative of my heightened awareness.
Such as the light issue.
Ever since being a Yoga student in a small Alabama studio where the whole "be present and mindful thing" started with how you treat your props in class, I started paying more attention to how I just treat things in my life. Figured that was an easy entry level task to do.
So I'd pay attention to say, closing doors or turning off lights... and got big on turning off lights. So if the other person's response to my asking "Could you be more aware and notice you left on the lights" ("for the m*therf*ing 10th time"- of course I do not say this out loud, but I sure think it) is "Well, then I'll just install motion sensors and I'll never have to worry about turning off lights" I just want to drown my heightened awareness with the aforementioned Captain M.
Now you're supposed to be present without judging (easy in a Yoga class, hard at home with people who'd rather set foot in a 4x4 vehicle than a Yoga mat) and the trouble begins. That is why I want do 3 workout sessions per day. And if I get myself injured, I guarantee I can find a body part I could still work out. That means I don't have to deal with myself, notice how I feel, notice that the muscles of my upper traps feel like rocks.
Today I was so aggravated, I skipped Yoga practice and went for an hour long bike ride instead. Came home sweaty and depleted. Did I feel better? No. But I was too tired to get upset or worked up about the things going on here.
So the plan for tomorrow- try again. Day 4, Yoga day.
Now- I'll go and do a down dog at the kitchen sink.

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